
Made from premium wood wool and cement with excellent acoustic and thermal insulation capabilities, Skynest® Acoustic Wood Wool Baffles are perfect as wooden ceilings. This makes the wooden ceiling ideal for use as a wood ceiling in your space. These wood ceiling products from Skynest® are ideal for public and office spaces, recording studios, radio and TV studios, schools, concert halls, theaters, and movie theaters, as well as industrial and manufacturing facilities and restaurants. Wooden Wool Baffle Ceilings offer aesthetic value and can be used in spaces with a wide range of air humidity and temperature. With original surface roughness, color options are virtually endless. The wood wool panels offer the cozy microclimate typical of wood-framed buildings because they are made of natural materials.

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This Product is from Non-Metal Ceilings and goes very well with Products from the same collection
Non-Metal Ceilings
