Since 1989, KKT has worked hard to deliver the highest standards of quality and service that each of their clients deserves. They are proud of their vibrant, dynamic workplace. They believe that trusting their employees to balance work and life enables both their business and their people to thrive. They hire character-driven employees and free them to creatively collaborate, enabling KKT to design optimal solutions for their clients.

One of the strengths of KKT is the diversity of our employees. They seek people who care about equity and inclusion, and their office attracts diverse, high-performing individuals. Their company is proudly woman-owned, and their workforce is more than 50% women. They are also proud to have all 5 generations of workforce collaborating within their firm.

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United States

Community type:

KKT Architects, Inc.


2200 S Utica Pl Suite 200, Tulsa, OK 74114
United States