
Blue Ocean Apartment, Guangdong

Guangdong, China

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Interior Designers:

About the project

FREEFORM DESIGN, commissioned by Jiuzhou Holdings Group, undertook the challenge of conceiving an apartment interior that seamlessly blends fashionable style with artistic quality, specifically tailored to meet the needs of the new generation of urban dwellers. Acknowledging the significance placed on personalized design, ambiance, and functional versatility by today’s youth, FREEFORM DESIGN aimed to create a living space that transcends traditional boundaries.

The project redefines functional layouts, moving away from monotonous divisions to focus on the evolving needs of residents. This innovative approach results in a transformable arrangement, providing a multifunctional living environment that adapts to the dynamic lifestyles of its occupants, offering unparalleled freedom and possibilities.

The interior design adopts a concise pure white color scheme with elegant purple accents, creating a classy and fashionable atmosphere. Embracing the unpretentious simplicity of modern urbanism, the layout is precise, well-organized, and devoid of any unharmonious embellishments. The space becomes a haven for solitude, allowing residents to immerse themselves in reading, relaxation, music, and the gentle rays of the sun, enveloped in the softness of white for a tranquil and freeing experience.

The multi-functional rest area takes center stage, easily transforming to cater to various life scenes – a reception area, a leisure and party space, or even a sleeping area. The flexible modular sofa facilitates seamless scene transitions through the free combination of blocks, promoting an organized and efficient lifestyle. By breaking away from conventional definitions and constraints of a “home,” this apartment becomes a canvas where different life scenes seamlessly transform, offering endless possibilities and contributing to an unbounded and beautiful modern living experience.

Photo Credits: Jack Qin

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Project info



721 sq-ft.





Completed On:

March, 2023


Interior Designers:

PR Consultants:

Project team