2. What happens in projects where a lighting expert or firm is not consulted?

We wonder if the results are equally successful? “You can actually tell an office space that has had a lighting designer on board, versus one that did not,” explains a designer. Projects that have had proper lighting design consultancy involved in the design and delivery, stand out visually because, as the designers explain, there is a strong sense of visual contrast. The colour temperatures match, and there are focal points present, creating a visual hierarchy. All these elements and more are what good lighting designers bring to the space and make it alive. 


Projects that have had proper lighting design consultancy involved in the design and delivery, stand out visually because there is a strong sense of visual contrast – the colour temperatures match, and there are focal points present, creating a visual hierarchy


Having said that, the designers equally admit to seeing examples of successful lighting on projects where a lighting designer was not involved. But the chances of that happening are rare. “It’s a hit and miss, and more often, a miss,” they concur.

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